Better Everyday
We want to do better everyday for our people, customers, for suppliers and for our planet while staying profitable. We don’t do that overnight, becoming more sustainable goes step by step. Little by little. We ask ourselves and the people around us ‘Which step will you take today?

Sustainable entrepreneurship

Our products are located throughout Europe at the most diverse retailers, supermarkets and shops. We feel it is our responsibility to ensure that all of our products are produced under the right conditions, by the right people, and the right suppliers, and in accordance with the applicable quality standards. With an eye for both the creators of our products and the end consumer, as well as the environment.

We only work with suppliers and partners who are prepared to comply with our Code of Conduct and the initiatives we support. Our Code of Conduct outlines the standards we consider essential in our partnerships with suppliers and what we want to see through the entire supply chain. All our suppliers have signed our Code of Conduct, through which they have made a commitment to (continue to) comply with these standards.

Sustainable entrepreneurship has an important place in our corporate strategy. Not only do we know where our products are made and under what circumstances, but our production units are also controlled through audits to see whether the producers comply with our code of conduct and its implementation.

We recognize the fact that there are enough things that we can not solve alone and we believe that cooperation is key to bringing about change, which is why we have been a participant in the Amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative BSCI for years. HVEG also signed the Bangladesh Safety Agreement in 2014, an initiative that aims to make the working conditions for employees in garment factories safer in the fields of electricity, building and construction, and fire safety. By being a member of The Leather Working Group, we contribute as well to maintaining an environmental management protocol that is specifically intended for the leather industry.

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Our themes

At HVEG Fashion Group, sustainability is fully integrated and embedded in our business planning and decision-making process. Sustainability and continuous improvement are the foundation for our social compliance program and these two principles guide our approach to corporate responsibility.

We have the ambition to do Better Everyday by finding a balance between people, planet and profit.  Achieving this requires collaborative efforts and partnerships to effect real change. To this end, we concentrate on and establish objectives for the following focus areas:
PEOPLE (improving working conditions, improving knowledge on sustainability, embedding sustainability in our culture and being transparent).
PLANET (implementing Ecodesign for circularity, increasing sustainable packaging and reducing impact of our production partners and HVEG internally).
PROFIT (offering more sustainable products and materials and creating Sustainable Business Models in the HVEG lab).